
Our last day at this Inn before we move on to our next stop.

20161212_102743The Innkeeper’s husband was getting creative taking pictures and was in danger of “worrying” our donkey. However, we had a bit of peace while he turned to copying down entries from my diary – apparently I am quite well read!

I find I am enjoying this journey, despite my circumstances. It is wonderful to experience the care and friendship of others, travelling from home to home, and it is touching to see the respect Joseph and I are afforded. At times we almost feel like royalty yet we are only doing that which I promised in faith – I am the Lord’s handmaid.

We finished our day back in Church for choir practice – the choir are preparing for the Carol Service the Innkeeper’s husband had been working on earlier. We listened in for a bit. One piece linked together the wood of a cradle with the wood of a cross. I know of the cross as an instrument of suffering – why would such a thing be linked to the birth of a baby?

img_0995And yet, I know not to fear uncertainty, nor to be surprised by the turns life takes. God will work marvels in us all as he has in me. We have only to trust and let it happen.

Joseph and I said our devotion together with the choir, took a ‘Posada selfie’, made our final goodbyes and continued on our way.