Quite a lot of to-ing and fro-ing from an early hour today. The Innkeeper was up before sunrise to head off for her school. The Innkeeper’s husband fetched breakfast for us, then left to take the children to school and college.

20161211_191831I was taking in our surroundings a bit more today – beside us are a number of figures surrounding a new born child, looked on by their parents and what appear to be cows and sheep.I do worry about where we will end up to give birth to my Son – am I destined to give birth in a stable too?

But I know God will provide – He is with us, in the Child in my belly, in the compassion of Joseph, in the strong back of our donkey, in the hearts of so many who welcome us into their lives and homes.

We have much to be thankful for, and all will be well.

20161212_101814-1We spent the day with the Innkeeper’s husband, in the Study while he worked. He seemed to welcome our presence there – God blesses us, even as we work and provide for our families, and I think we reminded him of that.

In the evening the family came together for tea but there was more to do. First, a bit more music recording (a song about Bethlehem – where we are heading!) and our hosts spent time writing cards. There really is a bustle to this time of year – I do wonder what can possibly excite people so.

We asked for blessings on our temporary home and once again let the night take us.