Welcome to
St Julian’s Parish Church Newport
We are a mission-focused and welcoming church in the Catholic Tradition of the Church in Wales, dedicated to the local martyrs, Saints Julius and Aaron. We are known for our engaging, modern Catholic liturgy, our high standard of music and our relaxed, prayerful atmosphere where men, women, young people, children, toddlers and babies are warmly welcomed, encouraged and nurtured in the knowledge and love of God.

Worship with us in person
Join us in person at our church in the St Julian’s area of Newport, South Wales.
WorsHip with us online
Mass is livestreamed online at 10am (almost) every Sunday as a live Youtube broadcast of the actual liturgy in church. Join in wherever you can – it’s available online after the live Mass too.
Catch up on Worship online
Fr David Matthews is the Parish Priest and interviews candidates for Baptism, Weddings and other Pastoral Offices by appointment
We have a Church Hall (adjoining the Church) which we offer for hire to the local and wider community for a modest donation
Our extension to the church, named Ty Williams, contains three separate rooms for community use, accessible toilet facilities and a small kitchenette.
Some ways we can all embrace a more active spiritual life