Comfortable night last night. Up early this morning for prayers, breakfast and our onward journey. We were thanked for coming to stay here.

dscf5089We returned to The Moorings and this time we were greeted by Layla, a very friendly dog with a long white tail. After a rest, we accompanied the Innkeeper as she delivered cards and invited people to a Carol Service. The neighbours made us very welcome and once again were fascinated by the journey Joseph and I are making.

The Innkeeper seemed to sense that I prefer the countryside to the busy town so we went out again. Even though it rained heavily, it was wonderful to arrive in a place that was so like my beloved Galilee – lots of hills and sheep – an ideal environment to bring up a child. I would like Jesus to grow up in a place like this – Jesus – God saves – so much to take in.

dscf5092Once again, we were made very welcome and there were even more dogs. I asked Joseph if we could have a dog but he said “no” – a new Baby is more than enough to cope with. He is such a sensible man, he’s going to be a wonderful foster Father.

Back at The Moorings, the Innkeeper said Joseph and I needed a quiet evening after so much visiting . I am tired but feel strongly that our presence has made a difference to those we have met. After evening prayers, we decided on an early night – Joseph and I have an appointment with the hairdresser in the morning.