Monday 31 August– S Aidan
9.30am A Communion Service
(from the Reserved Sacrament, led by one of the Licensed Lay Ministers)
Tuesday 1 September – Weekday
No Mass today
Wednesday 2 September – Weekday
9am The Jesus Prayer
9.30am Midweek Mass followed by Coffee
Thursday 3 September – S Gregory the Great
6pm Evening Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration followed by 7pm Mass
Friday 4 September – Weekday
9am Eucharistic Adoration
9.30am Mission Mass
Sat 5 Sept – Of Our Lady of Walsingham
9.30am Monthly Walsingham Mass in Church
10am-1pm Diocesan Children’s Ministry Training in the Church Hall
A Storytelling Workshop
(about using a variety of storytelling techniques in worship,
including puppetry and Claymation)
Welcome back to Catherine, Rachel and all taking part in this Children’s Ministry Workshop
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