Join us for Mass at 10am

followed by a glass of wine 

At the Mass of the Epiphany of the Lord

we celebrate the Visit to the New-Born Jesus of the Magi or Wise Men

(Gospel according to S Matthew chapter 2 verses 1-12 RSV)

with a Procession of the Magi through the Church.

We prepare chalk before Mass

which the Priest blesses during the Entrance Procession

and then with some Chalk, he inscribes a blessing

on the Entrance to the Church

and everyone is invited to take some Chalk home after Mass

so that we can all pray and inscribe this blessing on our homes

on the exterior wall, near the Main Entrance:


 which stands for:

20+ Christus Mansionem Benedicat+15

and is a  Latin prayer which means

‘May Christ bless [this] house in 2015’

As you are writing, pray this prayer:

May all who come to my/our home this year

rejoice to find Christ living among us;

and may I/we seek and serve, in everyone I/we meet,

that same Jesus who is Lord, now and forever. Amen

Traditionally, all who enter or re-enter their home for the first time after the Ceremony, step with their right foot across the threshold so as to start things off “on the right foot” as it were!


C, M and B also represent, of course, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, the names traditionally ascribed to the Magi or Wise Men, figuratively meaning that when we mark our homes with this blessing, the Magi or Wise Men have visited our homes …. because the Lord Himself dwells within and among us there (and wherever we are).

We invite you to join us for Mass of the Epiphany

and if you have access to blessed chalk this year

to inscribe your home with this blessing

to remind you that Christ the Lord is always with you.