  • TALENT SCHEME.  After Mass today Avril will be selling new silver jewellery at very low prices and John will be having a book sale – both over refreshments in the Hall.
  • LADIES’ GULD: meets tomorrow at 2.30pm Speaker: Mr David Hands about ‘Tracing the Family Tree’
  • ALL SOULS’ REMEMBRANCES: if there are names you wish to present at the All Souls’ Parish Service (this Wed 6 Nov @ 7pm), please take a card today, fill in the names and bring it with you when it will be included in the Remembrance Procession.
  • THIS YEAR’S DRAW: stubs need to be returned to Miriam by today, please.
  • SAVINGS CLUB: totalled cards should be given to Jenn by this Wednesday 6th November. Cheque payments will be made on 13 Nov and any cash payments on 20 Nov.
  • QUIZ NIGHT: tickets available for the Quiz Night this Fri 8th November.
  • BATH MONEY, PLEASE!: if you are joining the Shopping Trip on 14th November, please pay your £10 to Miriam on or before Sunday 10th November.
  • HOW IS YOUR TALENT GROWING?: remember – we present our talents (or their pledges) at 10am Mass on Advent Sunday, 1 December.
  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Please consider and speak to Fr David about joining the Serving, Offertory, Sidespeople and Scripture Readers Teams at Mass. Is God calling you?
  • GIFT DAY 2013: total proceeds to date are £1570.00. Thank you.