Wednesday 1 March – Ash Wednesday
7.30pm Mass of the First Day of Lent
with Imposition of Ashes
Sunday 5 March – Lent 1
10am Mass with an Entrance Litany
4pm Stations of the Cross with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday 12 March – Lent 2
10am Mass with an Entrance Litany
4pm Stations of the Cross with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday 19 March – Lent 3
10am Mass with an Entrance Litany
4pm Stations of the Cross with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
y 26 March – Mothering Sunday
10am Mass followed by refreshments and Simnel Cake
Sunday 2 April – Lent 5 (Passion Sunday)
10am Mass with Entrance Litany
4pm Liturgy of Reconciliation
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