What a day! I had a few false alarms during the morning; Baby wants out. We knew we hadn’t far to go – but could we find a place to stay? Nowhere. Turned away from one after another; there was just no room at any inn.
As darkness was falling, we saw a light that gave us hope on top of one of the town’s hills. The donkey, who has been so good at carrying me and the little one within, seemed to know my time was near and took it very gently and carefully as we climbed. Once there, Joseph knocked at the door; no, there were no rooms available. However, this innkeeper was unusually thoughtful and he offered us his lovely new stable with fresh straw where he said we could bed down for as long as we needed.

So here we are, at last. All is calm and, by the glittering lamps of the surrounding houses, all is bright.
As we were getting nearer to where we needed to be, we kept hearing a song about ‘glory to the new-born King’. Its words somehow made me think of my Baby and I remembered what the amazing Gabriel had told me. ‘He shall be great’, he said.
There is such a stillness about tonight. It is as if the whole world is waiting with Joseph and me for what is ahead. We’ve arrived in Bethlehem – but I know deep within me that once this wonderful Child is born, the real journey will only just have begun.
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