An early start today as we are to travel to a meeting in Brecon. Over breakfast, we talked with the Innkeeper about last night’s meeting; amazingly calm and good humoured –  I think we made a difference.

Together, we said prayers for a safe journey.

Such a beautiful day and the scenery was stunning as we travelled between Abergavenny and Brecon. The journey at times was slow as we followed farm traffic and the Innkeeper was anxious that she would be late for her meeting – I told her that all would be well.

We arrived in time for something called the St. Padarn’s Council. Bishop Richard was initially startled to see us but welcomed us by name and spoke of the “hidden” Jesus.


dscf5087The meeting seemed to go on and on so it was very pleasant to talk to some really friendly people when it was over.They were interested in our journey and asked Joseph and I lots of questions – one of them even had a peek in my diary!

The Innkeeper had planned to take us in the Cathedral but they were preparing for a service. We did see lots of young boys in bright red robes who began to sing loudly. As we were cold, we went in to Pilgrims for a coffee and a kind lady invited us to join her table. She told us that that she was going to Christ College Carol Service before taking her twins home to Cardigan for Christmas.

Our return home was delayed by a huge traffic jam, fortunately, the Innkeeper saw the funny side of the situation. Joseph and I snuggled up in the back of the car and enjoyed the ride and wonderful views. We paid a quiet visit to friends in a little town; there was no need to announce our arrival. I was aware that this was a home where Faith, family and friendship were of utmost importance. Joseph and I agreed that we would work hard to make our home in Nazareth a special place.