Watching skittles, it is fun! Hopefully we are a bit of inspiration for the church team. Good for us!! Anyway, I am glad we are not sleeping here, hopefully we will go to a nice home…

What an enjoyable evening even though our Church team didn’t win their skittle match. The atmosphere in the club was very friendly and both teams got on very well. The host team put on a lovely spread and both Joseph and I are very full. Time to go I think.

joseph-and-mary-2The night air was very foggy and damp so we were glad to arrive at our destination – the Stanaway house. The house looked very welcoming with fairy lights around the front door.

Once inside we felt warm and cosy. We had a look around and even managed to speak to Emily before she fell off to sleep. Seeing her all cosy and snuggled up in bed made us both feel suddenly very tired.

We had a hot cup of tea and went to bed.