
You’ll notice the website has been given a bit of a lick of paint!

Why? Our web presence is a vital part of our parish outreach and working closely with our Facebook site, has become one of the key ways we communicate our message, our joy in our faith and the services (both liturgical and practical) that we provide the community. It has become the key way for people seeking information on weddings, baptisms, church hall and Ty Williams use so it is crucial it continues to serve this purpose well.

In the age of the smart phone and tablet very few visitors to this website actually use a ‘traditional’ PC web browser. The majority by far are using tablets or smart phones. Our original website’s theme was not designed with tablet or smart phone sizes in mind so it rendered rather poorly. This new theme, whilst it may appear rather bold on a PC, is designed to play nicely with our modern toys and makes for an easier experience on a tablet or small screen device. It’s also going to allow us to make the website more picture friendly – so expect to see a lot more of this on the existing content too as this is refreshed.

  • All the existing content is still there – church history, the iCatholic resources for private devotions, information on our groups and who’s who, photos and the full history of posts.
  • The main menu is immediately below the title, and a full site Search is available via the magnifying glass to the right of this menu. On a smart phone or tablet this is slightly different with the search to the left of the title and the menu accessible behind an icon to the right of the title.
  • An additional ‘quick links’ menu is also available right at the top on a PC to give direct access to Church Hall, Ty Williams and Service Times. These links will be at the bottom of the page on a smart phone or tablet.
  • The ‘I Want To’ quick links are on the right hand side of the home page (on a PC) but can be accessed behind the icon with three dots at the bottom of the page on a smart phone or tablet.
  • Quick links to the facebook page and twitter feed are via the icons in the top right (PC) or bottom (phone or tablet).

As ever, feedback is welcomed. You can provide it direct using the feedback link right at the bottom of the page, or grab me in church.

Ali McCormick

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