A prayer we shall be using in Church at 10am Parish Mass
O God, Your Name is veiled in Mystery,
yet we dare to call you Father;
Your Son was begotten before all ages,
yet was born among us in time;
Your Holy Spirit fills the whole creation,
yet is poured forth now into our hearts.
Because You have made us and loved us
and called us by name,
draw us more deeply into Your Divine Life,
that we may glorify You rightly
through your Son Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever. Amen
The Prayer after Communion
Almighty God,
may we who have shared in this eucharist
worship you with lips and lives,
proclaiming your majesty,
and finally see you in your eternal glory:
Holy and Eternal Trinity, one God,
now and for ever. Amen
And finally, join us on Sunday and join in (now) as we sing these songs of praise to God the Holy Trinity:
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