New Martyrs of Libya


We often take the Cross lightly, wear it as jewellery, admire or criticise it as ‘artwork’, even in our Churches.

Now, think of the cost of the Crucifixion, of what it actually meant for God to sacrifice His own Son, for Jesus to die on the Cross, for you, for me—for the whole world.

Think of what it means when we mark a candidate for Baptism with the Sign of the Cross and ‘claim them for Christ’.

Think of what it cost those twenty-one Coptic Christian men on a beach in Libya to hold fast to Christ and not to deny His Cross.

Think of the cost of discipleship. Just as the political landscape changed for everyone on 11th September 2001, so the socio-religious filtre of life has altered in the last year.

It puts our anguish over the Diocese, Parish Share, Ministry Areas, what ‘we like and don’t like’, our ‘expectations’ starkly into perspective, doesn’t it? Think about it—and adjust!

Think of all that as you come to venerate the Cross this Good Friday and see your name ‘written in the Wounds’ –

and give Jesus thanks from the bottom of your heart, for He bought you with His own Blood.

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