Welcome the Light!

Join us this Sunday for

10am All Age Family Mass


What are CHRISTINGLES about?

Christingle means ‘Christ’s Light’ and it is a symbol of Christian faith in the Incarnation. Many churches hold Christingle services around Christmas time. These services (of Moravian origin) became popular in 18th Century Germany but they were not introduced generally into this country until the late 1960s.

Christingles are made up of different parts, each one being there to remind us of something.

  • The orange represents the (round) world.
  • The candle teaches Christians that Jesus is the ‘Light of the world’.
  • The red ribbon goes all round the ‘world’ and being the colour of blood, reminds us that Jesus died to save us.
  • The four cocktail sticks could have either of two meanings; the four seasons or the four corners of the world.
  • The sweets (or sometimes dried fruits) speak to us of God’s gifts to the world which include kindness and love.

So, this Sunday, during the Parish Mass, we shall

  • light our Christingles
  • consider the message that the Light of God’s Love came into the world in a real and lasting way through the Birth of Jesus
  • pray that the Light of His Love will bring hope and peace to you who are reading this
  • and to the whole world, this Christmas.