Mass, Eucharistic Procession and Benediction
to honour SS Julius and Aaron and give thanks for their Prayers and Communion
over the last 90 years, today and into the future with Christ …

SS Julius and Aaron are honoured with incense during the Entrance Litany

on each and every one of us … Kyrie, Kyrie eleison!

The Eucharistic Gifts are censed at the Offertory

Through Him, with Him and in Him … for ever and ever!

Taking Our Lord to bless the streets of the Parish

‘I am the Bread of Life’ we sang …

‘Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven’ we sang …

The Lord blessed each home, each road, each person as He passed by

… and still they came .. singing His praises!

… the Younger Guys ….

… and the Older Guys …

Back into Church, where we received the fulness of Christ’s Eucharistic Benediction

and then there was Cake!
Sing we of our glorious patrons:
Julius, Aaron; proud to die
for the Faith that still sustains them,
One with all the Saints on high.
Fortified by their example,
we find strength to live Your Way.
(from the SSJA Hymn written by the Director of Music in 2013)
SS Julius and Aaron: pray for us
[to see more photos of the Patronal Festival please go to our Face Book page (link by clicking the F tab in the top right of this page)]
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