Friends and family gather in Church and spend some time, before we begin, reflecting on the deep significance of the occasion and preparing to give prayerful and loving support to the couple about to get married.

To ensure a truly supportive and as-stress-free-as-possible atmosphere for the Bride and Groom and so that the official photographer and any official videographer can work to best advantage, we respectfully ask Wedding Guests and members of the Congregation:

(1) not to take photographs nor other recordings of the event during the Ceremony

(2) to switch off all mobile phones or set them to vibrate (if needed for work or other emergency purposes) 

(3) to feel free to photograph during the Wedding Procession, the Ceremony having ended.


 We STAND for the Entrance of the Bride (who may enter with the Bridegroom). Music may be played or a hymn may be sung.

The Introduction to the Ceremony follows.

 (1) The Giving of Consent 

The Bridegroom and then the Bride publicly give their willing consent to this Marriage as follows:

The persons to be married standing before him, the Priest says to the man:

N., will you have N. to be your wife? Will you live with her in obedience to God’s will and purpose? Will you love her, honour her and care for her, in sickness and in health? Will you be faithful to her, and her alone, as long as you both live?

The man answers:

I will.

Then the Priest says to the woman:

N., will you have N. to be your husband? Will you live with him in obedience to God’s will and purpose? Will you love him, honour him and care for him, in sickness and in health? Will you be faithful to him, and him alone, as long as you both live?

The woman answers:

I will.

[The Priest may ask:

Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Answer: I do

after which that person goes to their seat]

(2)  The Marriage Vows

The Priest directs the man to take the woman’s right hand in his right hand, and to say after him:

I, N., take you N., to be my wife,
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better for worse,
For richer for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
As long as we both shall live,
According to the will and purpose of God.
And to this I give you my pledge.

Then they loose hands, and the woman takes the man’s right hand in her right hand, and says after the Priest:

I, N., take you N., to be my husband,
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better for worse,
For richer for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
As long as we both shall live,
According to the will and purpose of God.
And to this I give you my pledge.

(3) The Giving and Receiving of the Ring(s)

The Ring (or Rings, if the man and the woman wish to exchange Rings) being placed on the Priest’s book, the Priest says:

+ Bless, O Lord, this Ring (these Rings), given and received as a sign of love and faithfulness. Amen and sprinkles the Ring(s) with Holy Water.

The man, taking the Ring, puts it on the fourth finger of the woman’s left hand, and, holding it there, says after the Priest:

Receive this Ring in token of my love and faithfulness.
I honour you with my body,
And all my possessions I share with you.

The woman, having received the Ring, says after the Priest:

I receive this Ring as a sign of the love and faithfulness between us.

If the couple wish to exchange Rings, the woman, taking the other Ring, puts it on the fourth finger of the man’s left hand, and, holding it there, says after the Priest:

Receive this Ring in token of my love and faithfulness.
I honour you with my body,
And all my possessions I share with you.

The man having received the Ring, says after the Priest:

I receive this Ring as a sign of the love and faithfulness between us.

(4) The Declaration of Marriage

The man and the woman kneel, and the Priest says to the Congregation:

As N. and N. have consented together in marriage, and have made their pledge to one another before God and this congregation, and have declared it by joining of hands, and by giving and receiving of a Ring (Rings),
I declare that they are now husband and wife.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.

Then, or at a later point in the Ceremony, the Priest imparts the Nuptial Blessing, which is God’s blessing on the Couple and their Marriage:
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that you may so live together in this life, that in the world to come you may have life everlasting. Amen.
The newly-married Man and Woman stand and may be presented to the Congregation by the Priest before moving to their appointed seats.

 (5)  Readings and reflective prayer

 A hymn may be sung.

Readings may follow and then we enter a time of reflection and prayer, thinking about all that has brought the newly-weds to this point in their lives and all that is inspired in us for them and for the commitments in our own lives.

 (6) The Signing of the Registers

 A hymn may follow as the the Priest leads the Wedding Party to where the Registers will be signed.

During this time, the Congregation remains seated in their places; music may be played and the Choir may sing. 

Once all has been completed, the Wedding Party returns to their seats and the newly-weds go with the Priest to the Altar.

 (7)  The Dismissal

 If not already given, the Nuptial Blessing follows and then the Priest sends us out, saying:

Your Wedding has ended: your Marriage has begun.
Go now in God’s peace.

We all reply: In the Name of Christ. Amen

The Wedding Procession begins as we leave the Church, following behind the Bride and Groom as they walk into their new life as Husband and Wife, united by God’s Blessing.


Two last things …

(1) We make the Church beautiful and very tidy for this and every Wedding; please help us in this by keeping all Confetti well away from both the inside of the Church and the Entrance. Outside and on the Steps is best – thank you!

(2) We hope you will greatly enjoy and be blessed by being part of a Wedding at SS Julius and Aaron.