at SS Julius and Aaron
Join us at 10am for Festal Mass of the Dedication Festival
and a Procession of Our Lady
and stay afterwards to celebrate with us over a glass of wine and a light Buffet
During our 90th Year, our twin Anniversary celebrations at SS Julius and Aaron
are focusing of the two distinctive mainsprings of Catholic devotion and spirituality –
the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
and the role and place of Mary the Mother of Jesus in the life of the Church
In June, at Our Patronal Festival, we celebrated Mass with a Eucharistic Procession through the streets of the Parish as a sign of witness to the Living Presence of Christ everywhere.
On 18 September, we celebrate Mass of the 90th Dedication Festival of this Church with a Marian Procession, taking to the streets with Mary, our major Prayer Partner.
We warmly invite you to join us as we dedicate ourselves anew as the ‘living Temple’ of God’s Presence to all around us and walk with Mary as disciples of Her Son, the Lord Jesus.
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